Pink by Marilynn Griffith

Pink by Marilynn Griffith

Author:Marilynn Griffith
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9781441239266
Publisher: Baker Publishing Group

Her wrist was sprained, not broken, the doctor at the walkin clinic assured Flex, wrapping it neatly. “She’ll be fine in a few weeks.”

He’d make sure of that. He’d insisted on bringing her home. Though he’d known what to expect, her building, with its clean hallways and enticing breakfast scents, delighted him. His abuela would have loved this building. He took a deep breath. She would have loved Raya too.

“Let me help you with that.”

Gently he took the key from Raya’s fingers and placed it in the lock. After opening the door and replacing the key in her hand, he stood on the threshold, drinking in the sight of lavender-scented material draped everywhere. Like a room full of curtains, only better. Unsure whether to stay or go, he watched as she fumbled to put the key on the table. Pain shot across Raya’s face, though she tried to cover it up.

That look was all the invitation Flex needed. Concerned about further injury to her hand, he helped her to the couch. It was covered in piles of green fabric. Taffeta, he recalled from Raya’s descriptions at the formal shop. He looked around the room for somewhere to prop her up, but there was nowhere.

“You do an awful lot of sewing. I don’t see anywhere to put you.”

She shook her head. “Not mine. My grandmother’s. Put me in there.” She pointed toward a door down the short hallway.

Her room? Flex hoped she couldn’t feel his heart beating against her. He could tell by her reluctant tone and the look in her eyes that she wasn’t quite sure about it either. He took a step. He was no teenager. He was a grown man. A Christian man. And this was an emergency.


They got to the room all too soon. He almost gasped as he put her down on the bed, silky with white. A room fit for a princess. Only a crown was missing.

To avoid her beauty and his response to it, he gazed around the room, then stopped at the arrangement of picture frames on top of her dresser. One photo in particular caught his attention, one with Raya and a nerdy, slim boy who could have been him ten years ago. A cluster of black and white balloons floated over their heads. A smile tickled his lips.

“Don’t look at that!” Raya half shouted as Flex reached for the photo.

He batted her hand away for a closer look. A whistle hissed through his lips. “That dress. Wow . . .”

“Yeah. Wow. That’s what people always say. It’s a polite way of saying, ‘What in the world?’”

Flex frowned. “I mean what I say.” Didn’t she know that by now?

Raya tried to pry the gilded frame from his fingers, only to pull her hand back in pain. He tucked the frame under his arm and kissed her hand, lowering it tenderly to her side. He surveyed her as he lifted the photo again.

She shook her head. “Go ahead. I’ll close my eyes.”

“Good.” He


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